Image Analysis

1.  What kind of photograph is it?
This is a photo I took on portrait mode on my camera, so I guess it's a portrait :S

2. What was your intention in taking the photo?
My intention in taking the photo was to just make it look nice and bright, since it was dark in the room and the only light was the candles from the camera.

3. What did you want to want to emphasize and how did you do this?
I wanted to emphasize on the brightness of the candle and just a few of the details on the cake. I did this by talking a picture by looking a little bit down on it.

4. Do technical matters help or hinder your image? (ie. out of focus, blurred)
I don't really know but I guess I'd have to say yes since it looks a tiny bit blurry, I would've liked it better if the photo was clear and not blurry.

5.  Are elements such as colour, tone, line, texture, or shape important to your image?
Yes, most of the things listed above in the question are important to this image because if it had none or not a lot of the qualities above this photo would've look bland and boring to me. I want the cake to look good that you'd want to eat it in real life.

6.  Is there anything in your photo that you did not intend when you took it but is evident now when you look at it?I didn't intend to have that headband and my friend's hand in the photo but yea other than that I like that photo and think it's fine.

7.  Does your photo have an emotional impact?
Nope, this photo was taken for my birthday as a memory for me to remember and I think that's just about it.

8.  How does this photo relate to other photos that you have taken?  Is it similar or totally different? When I use my camera it's usually only for things such as going to birthday parties or when I hangout with my friends. Or if I want I take pictures of nature things such as flowers and trees or the sky. Or I take pictures of food I think look good so I think this photo is similar to other photos I've taken.

1 comment:

  1. The head band and hand take this photo to another level by introducing a personal element that makes it not anyone's cake but a specific cake in a specific time/place. Visually these 3 items created tiangular composition that is interesting and energizing for the photo that could be ordinary.
